Dear researchers,I am pleased to send the invitation for you to attend the XIX International CICS-UBI Symposium, which will be held on 16-17 July 2024.
The Symposium is a unique opportunity for younger researchers to present their work, and an important venue to foster interdisciplinarity as well as development of internal and externall collaborations.
Now back to its original on-site format, the CICS-UBI symposium will be held at Grande Auditório FCS of the University of Beira Interior, in Covilhã, Portugal. This will be a wonderful opportunity to discuss results, Science in general, and to plan novel research.
The programme of the Symposium is quite exciting and posters, oral communications and main lectures will hopefully draw everyone’s attention and promote ample discussion. Awards will be given to the best communications in each category.
We look forward to your invaluable contributions and your attendance at the meeting.
Looking forward to meeting you at the XIX International CICS-UBI Symposium!
Luís Taborda-Barata
Coordinator of CICS-UBI
Scientific Committee
Adriana Santos, Carla Cruz, Cecília Santos, Cláudio Maia, Diana Costa, Eduardo Cavaco, Luís Taborda Barata, Manuel Lemos, Márcio Rodrigues, Maria da Assunção Vaz Patto, Rita Palmeira de Oliveira, e Susana FerreiraOrganizing Committee
Eduardo Cavaco - Chairman Ana Oliveira, Ana Raquel Nunes, Carolina Jorge, Catarina Serra Almeida, Cecília Santos, Cristiana Mateus, Eurico Lima, Joana Feiteiro, Jorge Pinto, Lara Fonseca, Lia Leite, Luís Taborda Barata, Margarida Vale, Mariana Feijó, Mariana Fiadeiro, Marina Posso, Marília Figueira, Maurício Pereira, Pedro Lourenço, Rafael Mineiro, Ricardo Relvas, Rui Costa, Sofia Soares, Tânia AlbuquerqueWELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
XIX International CICS-UBI Symposium
22 Years os CICS-UBI!
19 Years of Sharing Science!
And 19 years have passed since the first edition, for which I was responsible as its mentor. This year the symposium returns to its initial principles, leaving its comfort zone (i.e., facilities at the Faculty of Health Sciences) and moving to the amphitheater for the solemn sessions-Pólo I. The objective is greater concentration and presence during the sessions.
It is open to the entire scientific community, with themes within the CICS-UBI research areas: Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials; Drug Discovery, Development and Safety; Natural Products & Microbial Research; Neurologic and Neurovascular Disorders; Hormones and Metabolism and Respiratory and Allergic Diseases.
The symposium is always a high point in the life of CICS-UBI, where “new blood boils”, and where the most recent ones can show and discuss their results at the highest level. I have no doubt that this will be an extraordinary edition, as coordinator I can only thank all the teams, participants, and support from the vice-rector for research, CICS-UBI and UBI.
On the other hand, the social and cultural program has been enriched so that everyone can participate. Welcome everyone.
To all, I wish you a good symposium
Eduardo Cavaco - Chairman
Vice-Coordinator of CICS-UBI
The symposium will be held personally at Anfiteatro das Sessões Solenes (UBI – Pólo I)
Av. Marquês de Ávila e Bolama
6200-506 - Covilhã, Portugal.
Tel: +351 275 329 002/3
Fax: +351 275 329 099
e-mail : cics-comunicacao@fcsaude.ubi.pt
Early Bird Registration: 20 May - 10 June 2024 Regular Registration: 11 June - 10 July 2024 Late Registration: 11 July - 16 July 2024
Payment will be at the CICS-UBI Projects and Image Office (room A0 0 57) to Carolina. For questions or troubleshooting, contact us here.
Digital certificate of attendance will be issued to registered participants only.
Registration and fee include digital abstract book, digital certificate of attendance and 4 coffee breaks.
We advise you to read the General Information and the Awards regulation

Abstract Submission - Deadline 10 June 2024
Dear CICS-UBI community and family members! We have another great symposium at the door, this year no one will want to miss it! A bold program, whether scientifically, culturally, or gastronomically there are “protocols to follow”.
Thus, we invite EVERYONE to participate by sending your abstracts within the areas of the CICS-UBI.
The abstracts must be written in English, and the preference for oral communication or poster should be indicated on the registration form. Upon acceptance, authors will be informed about the typology of presentation (oral or poster).
To submit please follow these steps:
- 1. Registration on the symposium website.
- 2. Login and fill in the abstract form (Attention! This step do not finish abstract submission! Please, it is mandatory to proceed with steps 3 and 4 for abstract being considered).
- 3. Then use this template(doc) and fill out with your abstract data.
- 4. Upload the abstract in MS Word format, in the abstract list (file button) to complete submission.
Awards and Juries
Best Short Communication (PhD/masters students) 250,00 €
Susana Ferreira, Márcio Rodrigues, Carla Cruz
Best Flash Communication (PhD/masters students) 150,00 €
Samuel Silvestre, Joana Rolo, Adriana Santos
Best Poster 100,00 €
Eduardo Cavaco, Luís Silva, Marília Figueira
Best Joint Paper 200,00
Manuel Lemos